May 17, 2005

Tuesday. Signed up with MSN penpal or something and 've been bam-blasted with one pop-up ad after another. It ticks that my computer is not mine. I paid for it. Yet Corporate American aggressively intudes into my time and space when I go on-line. Not fair, folks. Not fair. I don't care who's counting the beans. A post. Thanks, Muse.

May 13, 2005

Getting re-started. Regaining traction. I long ago gave myself 3 rules for filling a sketchbook/journal. 1. Put anything down. 2. Don't tear any page out. 3. Continue until the book is filled. It worked. A long, long time. 20 volumes (my Notches) are now filed with the University's special collections. And hopefully will be around for a time. So...telling myself to apply the same thing here. Log in and write something. Show something. Just blog. So...there it is and 'ere 'tis.

May 12, 2005

God, a whole month without anything. It's tough enough being a "pro" at crastination, but putting it on display for others does spike it up a notch. Ah, wail....

Anyway, here's a copy of my letter just posted to Congress via MoveOn.Org. About ethics. About rules. Tongue well in cheek.

I think advice and consent from Congress should come from the party in power, i.e., the GOP. Losers are losers and in Congress they should be treated as such. If additional advice/consent is needed outside the Republican ranks, it should come from True Christian Believers, not those Donkeys on the other side of the aisle.

As far as ethics in the House goes (which is not that far), Republicans are NOT to be held to the same standards as Democrats. If there are NO perks to power, then why seek it?

Republicans seem to understand this. So should the public at large.

Ralph Ivy