Feb 28, 2005
Verdana Miranda. A journey forward in a backward mind? Ah, mainly just a note to the Muse that all is ...well...all.
- - - - - - - where-in I write about what I draw and draw about what I write.
Verdana Miranda. A journey forward in a backward mind? Ah, mainly just a note to the Muse that all is ...well...all.
by Ralph Ivy | 0 comments
Relief. After weeks of absence I've said something. Posted some pics. I've read women bloggers are more likely to continue blogging than men are. Appears true. Why, I don't know. I'm curious. (mellow).
by Ralph Ivy | 0 comments
Sunday. Another month? Mother Month sounds better. Don't know why. An excuse to write (right?) something, anything, probably.
by Ralph Ivy | 0 comments